Autumn 2020 Newsletter McIsaacs Ltd


In each article below we have given a short summary of the topic, if you would like to read more please click on the link to our website for the full article and newsletter.

COVID-19 - Protecting our people, clients and community

We have implemented a Covid-19 Policy into our Health and Safety system to take precautionary measures to protect our people, our clients and community.

Some of the things we are doing are: We are following government guidelines in regard to asking people to self isolate if they come back from an overseas trip, We have paused business related international travel, We are asking our people to stay home if they feel sick and wash their hands carefully .......Click here to read more....

COVID- 19 - Economic Package

The government's $12.1 billion economic package to support New Zealanders, their jobs and business from the impact of Covid-19 has been announced. In this article we take a look at the main parts of the package we think will be of most interest to people in business........Click here to read more......

Specific business information to assist you during economic downturn 

With an economic downturn we thought we would bullet point some ideas in this newsletter which could assist businesses during this period: Firstly, maximise the use of the governments support package and check if your business is eligible for any of the economic package items, such as the wages subsidy or the Covid leave support payments........Click here to read more......

WOW, We are nearly at the end of another financial year. 

We have put together some things that you may need to consider before 31 March, on 31 March and after 31 March.

If you have any queries about this, please contact us.

Click here to read more

2020 Client Annual Checklists

These have now been published and can be found on our website under the tab "Financial Resources" or by following this link .

7 April 2020 Terminal Tax is coming up fast! - This is a reminder that you may have a 7 April 2020 Terminal Tax payment due. 

If you have 2019 Terminal Tax payable you should have received an email or snail mail IRD reminder letter from us by now.

If you haven't received a reminder it could be because you don't have an amount payable, haven't filed your return or you may have paid the Terminal Tax early.

Please contact us as soon as possible if you think you may have a payment due or are unsure because missing your Terminal Tax payment will result in penalties and interest from the IRD.

If cashflow is tight, we have some options available, through Tax Traders, our tax pooling partner, we can defer your terminal tax payment until the 18th of June 2020, from rates as low as 4.65% or we can assist you to set up an IRD instalment arrangement. Please contact us before the due date if you would like us to assist you. 


Please note: The above E-newsletter notes and the related articles on our website are of a general nature and therefore we urge clients who may be affected by these changes to contact us to discuss your specific circumstances before making any changes or drawing any conclusions.

If you do not wish to receive these E-newsletters please use the unsubscribe option below.

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